The Berthoud Community Library District (BCLD) is a public entity; therefore, during times of
severe weather or building function impairment, every reasonable effort will be made to keep the library building operating during normal operating hours. Staff will attempt to make temporary accommodations to keep the building open, such as the use of space heaters or fans.
There may be times when emergencies, such as severe weather, fires, or power failures, disrupt normal operations at BCLD. The Library CEO will consider staff and user safety, as well as local government, business and school closures, when making the decision to close.
It is the responsibility of the Library CEO to determine whether or not the library building should close as well as the duration of the closure. The Library CEO shall inform the Board President (or other Trustee if necessary) when closing. BCLD will also obey local or state mandates to close the building.
Public announcements of the unscheduled closure will be made on BCLD’s social media and any other sources the Library CEO considers useful. If possible, a note will be posted on the front door and the answering machine changed with appropriate information.
Revised 6/8/16
Revised 6/10/2020
Reviewed 2/8/23